Compass Mentis - Python Development and Training Blog
As I’m making my way through Natural Language Processing with Python and Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python, the first step is to set up the development environment. My first attempt was to install numpy,...
Here is a simple websockets demo, using Python and Bottle, based on the example on the Bottle website Requirements: pip install bottle pip install python-dev pip install gevent-websocket Create, from the source code...
If you’re developing a websocket app you may need to throw some tests at it. Whilst looking for a websocket client I came across this client, which makes it very easy to generate websocket...
To restart CherryPy on your WebFaction account: ps -u $USER -o pid,command Find the relevant process (id) kill <id> ./autostart.cgi
To set up websockets on a host can take a few extra steps. The host needs to know what to do with the websocket traffic. It took a few attempts to get a Python/websockets...
In 1999 I took over the running of an online community for business and personal coaches. Initially a simple email discussion list run on the Mailman open source software, once we hit 500+ members...
Our children’s school asked me to teach the 14 – 16 year old pupils some electronics. To make it more interesting I threw in some robotics. During an intense teaching period I spent morning sessions...
Our children’s school (a Waldorf/Steiner school) believes that ideally children should build a computer before they use one. So I offered to work with the 15-16 year old pupils on this. My first computer...
The client, a highly respected training company, was using an in-house developed system to manage the courses, bookings, delegates, and sales and marketing processes. When the business outgrew the system they asked me to...
Coffee Break French For the last three or more years I’ve been listening to the free French podcast by Coffee Break French. They are by far the best French podcast lessons that I have...