Compass Mentis - Python Development and Training Blog

Learn French with Frantastique

Learn French with Frantastique

Whilst learning French I tried out Frantastique The company behind it I first came across Frantastique when they posted a Paris-based Python job. Unfortunately this particularly job was not suitable for remote working, so I...

Django Migrations

Django Migrations

Django has a great system for maintaining your database structure, for keeping your RDMS (typically MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite) in line with your Django-defined Models, and within your version control system. I recently hit...

Linux Mint – family tree

Linux Mint – family tree

Having used Fedora, CentOS and Debian (and a little of Raspbian and Unix) a couple of years ago I swapped over to Linux Mint. Since it is based on the popular Debian and Ubuntu...

DevOps – intro

DevOps – intro

If I understand it correctly (it looks like the jury is still out), a DevOp is someone who helps developers be more productive by giving them the tools they need. As a freelance developer,...

Language / Dictionary lists

Language / Dictionary lists

I’m playing around with some ideas for language games. Looking for free dictionaries I found the following: – “From this page you can download hundreds of different bilingual dictionaries for any combination of...